1·Updates to those columns may cause a row to move from one partition to another, resulting in degraded performance.
2·There is high demand for condos and row houses, and new releases of condo projects still cause a frenzy.
3·If a new row has not been created, then examine the system event logs for the cause.
4·This false negative scenario would not have the UPDATE cause a fail if a row change timestamp column was added to the EMPLOYEE table.
5·But it has the potential to cause price swings that would make the row over Onions look like small potatoes.
6·But if a table contains updatable VARCHAR columns, or if the table is compressed, it is possible that the row length could grow, which could cause a row to be moved to another page.
7·However, the resulting performance can be worse with a multi-row schema, since gathering attributes out of the session might cause multiple queries.
8·If not specified or if files cannot be opened, any load error abnormally ends the operation. The following errors could cause a row to be rejected.
9·Otherwise, the deleted row is moved from replication table to the associated delete table, which might cause problems for the subsequent alter operation on the replicated table.
10·His attempt to row across the Atlantic in a bathtub was a lost cause right from the start!